Teen Dating Violence... It's a thing!

Today I had the pleasure and honor of participating at the Momentum: Men Making Our Relationships Excellent Conference in the DMV area. This event with over 450 attendees, focused on opening a dialogue between men and young males about promoting healthy relationships, de-escalation techniques, social media etiquette, fatherhood, identifying a child in crisis, types of domestic violence and more. My discussion was about teen dating violence and although I spoke primarily to young men, I will make this a gender neutral.


Let's talk about BEING… Being present, mindful and what I like to say, HOT and FOCUSED. The school year is here. Homecoming season across the country is here and I feel we, as a society, must educate our young children and young adults on the #Metoo movement, the “rape culture” and general sex education. I've talked about these topics a lot on school campuses especially college campuses because not enough of us are HOT and/or FOCUS. We think we are but we’re not. HOT is not what you think it is. Being HOT has nothing to do with the physical. Being HOT is being Honest Open and Transparent with not only the people around you but more so with yourself. FOCUS takes a little bit more breaking down, but this promotes awareness of self, surroundings and current environment. In this article, I want to discuss the utmost importance on being HOT and maintain FOCUS whether you are away at college or shall I say especially while you are away at college and in everyday life.

Hi! I'm Your Vagina

The goal here is to create a foundation for a general “How To” with learning your body, specifically your vagina. How do one skillfully accomplish this? By utilizing elementary school basics; the five senses. I want to encourage you to explore yourself using your five senses. Depending on the era in which you were raised, this may be mentally difficult for you to achieve because you were taught the exact opposite of this. But I’m here to empower you. This is your body and it’s ok to take control of it. Let’s get started.

Sleepy Sex: When your partner wants intimacy but your fuel tank is on E

Moms, simply put, there's just not enough hours in the day. Rather working from home or out in the field, it's a lot and can be very exhausting. Our schedule is typically over scheduled with way too many things that requires attention and/or completion and none of which includes times for ourselves (well discuss Self Quickie later). We tend to be overworked, over-stressed and stretched and overlooked. The LAST thing we want is to come home or you to come home and want sexual attention. There’re women that will just throw lubrication or a 'massager' at their mate and roll over.