TDV is Teen Dating Violence. If you had to guess, how many young adults in your community truly feel safe in their relationships? Of those that say they feel safe, how many do you think can't recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative abusive ones?
The prevalence of teen dating violence in your community may surprise you. In the U.S.:
About 1 in 12 high school students experienced physical dating violence (CDC)
1 in 12 also say they've experienced sexual dating violence (CDC)
26.6% of LGBTQ students and 14.1% of heterosexual students have been electronically bullied ( Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System)
The most effective way to protect young people from all forms of dating violence is through prevention and education. Shifting community norms begins with in-depth awareness and education. Designed expressly for young people ages 12 and above, this evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships.
I was trained to:
Understand the risks and impacts of physical, sexual and emotional violence
Build confidence in equipping teens of all diversities to create caring, supportive and healthy relationships via positive communication, anger management and conflict resolution
Practice the skill building and experiential learning necessary to expertly facilitate the program in any community-based setting
Recognize how to successfully administer the Safe Dates program with fidelity
Guide families to talk about healthy dating relationships and dating abuse
In short, Safe Dates equips young people with the tools they need to develop these important life skills. Highly engaging and interactive, Safe Dates reflects the issues today's teens face.
For more information on how to get Safe Dates curriculum in your school and/or community, click Let’s Chat and please complete the inquiry form.
For more information on Safe Dates, please visit Halzden Publishing.